Andrea L. Ramirez-Salazar
Andrea L. Ramirez-Salazar is a 14 year-old violinist and freshman at Memorial High School. She plays in the Memorial High School Orchestra Program under the direction of Danielle Prontka and Matthew Chan. Andrea has been playing the violin for nearly ten years. She began her studies at Wilchester Elementary School through the Suzuki Program led by Patricia Karakas. She currently studies with Katrina Bobbs Savitski. During elementary school, An-drea participated in the SBISD Solo and Ensemble competition, winning Out-standing Performance medals for four consecutive years. In middle school, she was a member of the Spring Branch Middle School Chamber Orchestra, led by Cleo Miele (2017-2021) and Kathleen Hemphill (2021). She also participated in SBISD Solo and Ensemble, winning three more Outstanding Performance medals and three first ranking medals for her ensembles. She was selected for the Region 27 Middle School Symphony Orchestra in sixth and seventh grade, both times as a first violin. This year she is a first violin in the Region 27 High School Symphony Orchestra, and auditioned for the TMEA All-State Orchestra for the first time. In February of 2022, Andrea and the Sinfonia Orchestra from Memorial High School will be traveling to San Antonio to perform at the 2022 TMEA convention. Along with enjoying the violin, Andrea has other musical hobbies such as piano, guitar, and singing. She is also a first time member of the Memorial High School Debate Team, led by Harry Yu. Andrea is returning for her third season with Virtuosi of Houston