DJ Johnson
JD Johnson is a 17-year-old senior at The Woodlands High School. His orchestra is directed by
Aaron Michaelson and Christian Ponce. For most of his musical career, he was taught privately
by Gaven Krase, but since 10th grade, he’s branched out to other teachers, such as Jarret Bastow
and Robin Kesselman. JD started by playing violin in 5th grade, but in 6th grade found his true
passion for double bass. Now, he’s been playing bass for 7 years, and is currently the principal
bassist in the Woodlands High School orchestra program. He has participated in various
programs, such as AFA and mariachi. He has placed in Region IX ensembles every year since 7th
grade. Other achievements include CISD Honor Orchestra, top ratings in UIL Solo and
Ensemble, and being a TMEA All-Stater. Outside of music, he enjoys playing roller derby and
building Lego.