Avangeline “Ava” Cossé

Avangeline “Ava” Cossé is 17 years old and is from Houston, TX. She began playing violin at 2 ½ years of age, and currently studies with Mrs. Lisa Shihoten at the Rice University Music Preparatory School. Ava is a senior at J. Frank Dobie High School performing in the Chamber Varsity Orchestra under the direction of Angela Badon, Stephen Payne and Tam Duong. This past summer, Ava attended the Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival in Colchester, VT. She has also attended Sewanee Summer Music Festival, Sphinx Performance Academy at Curtis and Cleveland Institutes, and The Texas Strings Festival in Austin, TX. She consecutively earned positions in the TMEA Region 19 Symphony Orchestra since 2017. She is a 2023 Texas All-State Orchestra member. Ava is a member of the safety ambassador’s organization at her school. She is a two- time recipient of the Black Violin Foundation Scholarship.