Virginia Fairfield
Virginia Fairfield, 17, is a trumpet player and junior at Memorial Senior High School. Avidly involved in music, she played the piano, violin, and the trumpet in elementary through middle school. She began playing the trumpet in the fifth grade and transferred from violin to trumpet to further her musical pursuits. She is under the instruction of her high school band directors, Suzanne Scott and Jeffery Munger. Throughout middle school she received Outstanding Musician awards and in summer programs. She has attended the Sam Houston State University band camp, the Houston Blues & Jazz Festival Summer Jazz Workshop, and the 2021 and 2022 American Festival of the Arts Orchestra and Chamber Music program. She has received all 1’s in UIL Solo and Ensemble, and has placed in the TMEA Region 27 Band and Jazz Band consistently. She is currently a member of the Honors Band, Marching Band, Jazz Band, and Symphony Orchestra, and the orchestra for Memorial’s 2022-2023 musical, The Addams Family. She plans to be a professional classical and jazz musician. Virginia is an artist and writer, receiving regional and national awards for her short stories and art in the Scholastic Art and Writing Competition. She loves reading, video games, and her friends.